Thursday, June 30, 2011

The PROCESS OF assignment 1-tools selection (complete)

now, i'm going to emplain the process of doing the assignment 1-tools selection

i'm going to select the part that i want by using photoshop.

the theme that i have to do is "FOM open day".

so, i have to cut out the part i wan to do the "FOM open day" e-wallpaper.

1st, i have to drag the 1st picture that i choose into the photoshop.

now, i go to the "FILE"and click the "new" to create an A4 size blank picture.

the process of create the A4 size blank picture.

the A4 size blank picture is created.

2nd steps, i havee touse the "quick selection tools" to select the part i want to crop out.

since i want the whole picture, i try to select the whole picture to move to the A4 size blank picture.

3rd, i'm using the "move tools" to move the picture into the A4 size blank picture.

this picture is showing im movint the picture into the A4 size blank picture.

the result of moving the picture into the A4 size blank picture.

we have to adjust the size of the picture by holding the shift, after adjusting, we should enter and makes the picture looks clearer.

this is the 2nd picture thiat i choose to put in my e-wallpaper.

i have to use the "zoom tools" to zoom in my picture so that i can select it nicely.

this picture is showing the process of selecting by using "quick selection tools".

after selecting, i drag the words into the A4 size blank picture.

the 3rd picture im selected, the E-bee.

the 4th picture im selected for decoration of my work, the book.

this is the last picture that i selected, it taken from a senior's blog.

i have to crop out the unnecessary part by using "crop tools".

the picture is showing the selection.

FINALLY, i have completed my work.

this is what i have selected from the picture.

the process of selecting part in the picture is uneasy.

especially when we want to select the words we want.

this is because words are small, we can easily to crop out and mae it not nice.

thank you madam Lydia to view my blog. :)

have a nice day.

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