Monday, August 1, 2011

The layout for assignment 3

i'm going to draw out the layout for the website, the main page of the website.i plan to create a logo and a banner for the website. the main page should provide some gallery and some info's for the readers so that it can attract readers to view our web. from about us, we need to explain about the history of the island, and putting the pictures to show the beauty of the island.i plan to put the history for the island because i wan to let the readers to know more about the island before they come to visit the island.

the currency that i create for the website is to let the readers to plan for their financial before they come to visit the island. i will put some of the foreign countries's currency so that they can do the estimation of their fainancial. we will put in Yen, US, Euro and etc on the page.
i try to provide the beaches in the website for the readers to choose which beach they want to visit. i will put the info of the beach, the image of the beaches and the special of every beaches to attract more readers to explore in our island.

providing a map for readers so that they will clearly know where we located and plan for next steps which they going to visit. i plan to describe the special beaches on besides so that the reader easy to compare the distance between the beaches.

our website provided the packages for the readers so that they can easily to visit in our island.

i plan to design a special promotion for every month so that reader and visitor enjoy the different of the benefits from our island.

we also provide a reservation section for the visitors so that they can reserve for their holiday.

i will put the hotel, tour guide and the transportation so that the readers can easily to click in for reservation.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good but need more images and content.
    Assessment - A-
