Saturday, July 9, 2011


i'm the leader of the RAINBOW GROUP. so, i have to devide the task for my groupmate to do.

my task is to help my groupmate to solve the problem they are facing, designing the draft for the web, allocating the task to the groupmate,doing introduction, objectives, doing flow chart, and the sub-topic for the group.

i have to intro about Perhentian Island, where is it located, why we have to choose Perhentian Island as our main Island.

i have to list list down the objectives for the proposal.

This is to make sure that everyone in our group will not running out of the topic that we are doing.

i have done with the flow chart for the group and design a draft of the web for the proposal.

finally, i have to do some research about what sub-topic have to put in our website.

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