Monday, July 25, 2011

the process of vanishing point~

this is the last part that im using the photoshop to edit my assignment 1.

i had learnt a part called vanishing point for my assignment.

1st , i have to crop out the mmu logo for the vanish point. after cropping out the logo, i have to hide all the objects in my picture.

and left the logo for the vanish part. after that, i have to change the name into "mmu logo" for my logo's name.

now, i have to click ctrl+a and then ctrl+x to do my vanishing

after that, the mmu logo disappeared and i have to click filter, vanish point to start.

i have to draw the line on the part which i need to drag my mmu logo inside.

after that, i have to drag and visible all the objects which i hide them just now. this is the end of my assignment, DONE~ :)

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